Another Great Music Video

Another one! I just thoroughly love, love, love this band Atoms for Peace. Their sound is just so unique. No one plays quite like them. Theirs is a balanced dynamic musically. You can always hear the bass and the drums, coupled with the ambient noise in the background, but that never overpowers the vocals or the overall clarity of their songs.

This music video is a creative, sprawling, ominous art piece. I won't try to crack the code here, but just say that I enjoy it. I think it is unique lyrically, with singer Thom Yorke playing prophet as he points out that something is coming, and it'll be "before your very eyes." Spooky. We see colorful fluid flooding sky scrapers as they collapse, before the camera goes down a massive hole in the ground. Stalactites and stalagmites meet, and the ever present singing head is giving a body in free fall. Amazing.


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